Jersey Shore Regional Health Commission

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What is the JSRHC's Board of Commissioners?

Voting Member Municipalities are responsible for the management of the Jersey Shore Regional Health Commission (JSRHC). Each municipality can appoint or elect one Commissioner and one Alternate from their Local Board of Health. If a Member Municipality does not have a local Board of Health, the Governing Body of the Municipality would then be tasked with appointing its own Commissioner and Alternate.

Qualifications to become a Commissioner of JSRHC, representing a Member Municipality may vary from municipality to municipality. However, at minimum, each Commissioner is appointed or elected to the position based on a valid interest in public health and the role JSRHC plays in ensuring the well-being of various communities. In addition, these individuals take on a critical role as they act as the point of contact between JSRHC and the Member Municipality. A Commissioner reports to their Member Municipality’s Officials on all important matters involving JSRHC, ranging from the services provided to each municipality to the fiscal decisions made which set membership fees and JSRHC operating budget.

Upon being appointed by a Membership Municipality, every Commissioner is eligible to run for a position on the Commission’s Board. Each year, nominations and elections for President, Vice President, and Treasurer are held during the JSRHC Reorganization Meeting in January. After being elected by the other sitting members of the Commission’s Board of Health, those individuals will immediately start their one-year term of office.

JSRHC’s Board of Commissioners elected positions are as follows:


Dr. Leonard Giles

Vice President:

Theresa Casagrande


Larry Bolsch

JSRHC's Commissioners

Below you find our Membership Municipalities and the Commissioners they have appointed to represent the interest of the municipalities Governing Body. 

Note: Each Item is linked to its Municipalities Home page

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